Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Sooooo, I have been working on a book as the Illustrator Woo! So I've been pretty busy, plus my other job. I drew this doodle awhile back ^^, and I still love it soo~

In other news still working on SRB project as well. And I have almost completed most of the animation he has assigned me and hopefully this show will get picked up and I can have a permanent job for a while lol.


Saturday, September 10, 2011


So I got the job for QR :), and I also got a job for a childrens book! XD So excited for both!!!

I would show the project but its all by contract and blah blah...Oh well I'll show it soon :)


Gah, also I hurt my wrist the other day =_=, so Its gonna be hard to work with the left hand! >.<

Friday, September 2, 2011

Things are looking up

I don't have anything to show, but I have been working on a new reel, for motion graphics/animation.

Alsoooo, I have an interviews on Tues, for a webcomic series, Wens, for a QR animation freelance, Thursday, Macy's lol yep...

Got a busy week next week! :D and I'm happy things are looking up!

Wish me luck!~